Cold Depression and the Link to Chronic Pain Episode 101

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2021

“The Brain pathways that drive depression are intrinsically linked to the ones that drive pain.” Dr. Kirsty Bannister

The world is changing rapidly and more and more we are also understanding how emotions and mental health are directly correlated to our physical health.

In this episode we explore this week's fiery Cosmic Energy and how cold depression is associated with chronic pain. 


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Cold Depression the Root Cause of Addiction EP97

Uncategorized May 06, 2021


What if instead of asking why the addiction, we asked why the pain? 

Addiction comes in many forms alcohol, drugs, relationships, shopping, Netflix.

What is addiction? 

Today on the @sovereingowmanmovement show we are going to look at how COLD DEPRESSION is the root cause of addiction and how to compassionately approach it to heal and overcome it. 

Sat Nam


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How Cold Depression Causes Risky Behavior and Addiction EP96

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

Only When we get to the root cause of our mental or physical instabilities we can bring the healing circle fully home and today we are going to talk about cold depression the root cause of addiction and risky behavior

Sat Nam #sovereignWoman and Welcome to the @SOvereignWOmanMOvement Show.

In this episode, we talk about why Cold Depression is the Root Cause of addiction AND Risky behavior like Financial Risks, Affairs, and Extreme Sports. 

We look at how our society rewards those overachievers that are non-stop, but how most are suffering deeply internally and covering it up with productivity and success. 

Really deep things to consider on your journey of self-awareness #sovereignWoman. 

Let me know if you know anyone like this or if you can see yourself in any part of what I said, share your thoughts are on this episode. 


Sat Nam 

Only When we get to the root cause of our mental or physical instabilities we can bring the healing circle fully...

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From Cold Depression to SOVEREIGNTY, Heroine's Journey EP95

Uncategorized May 05, 2021

Welcome to May #sovereignWoman. 

Eclipse season, Mercury and Pluto go retorgrade, and a potent New and Full moon point to May being a very tansformative month. 

Things are about to get even more sovereign on the @sovereignWomanMovement Show this month as we dive deep into really understanding how to overcome the number 1 challenge for humanity in this New Age of Consciousness and at least heavily until 2038- COLD DEPRESSION.

In today's podcast episode, I share with you my heroines journey of how I Went from cold depression, addiction to alcohol, broken relationships, and not living on purpose to sovereign, being able to walk away from my 15+ years business as a Real Estate Broker and Coach to Hundreds of entrepreuneurs, heal my addiction to alcohol, and heal my reltionships in just two short years. 

My life was and continues to be transformed with the SWC method of kundalini yoga therapy and spiritual psychoterapy and in this episode, I share how yours can too. ...

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How to Accept Your Shadows with @vidad3Lizzy Ep94

Uncategorized May 05, 2021


Shadow work is when you learn to face yourself and in challenging situations ask yourself, "What is this experience or person trying to teach me about me?" instead of pointing the finger outward, blaming and attacking. 

It's not easy, but it's the only way to stop repeating toxic patterns. 

 In this episode of the @sovereignWomanMovement Show Lizy brings some serious wisdom and awareness to this not-so-fun subject matter. 

We also talk about how to get on the jet back home to accept all that you are through kundalini yoga technology and spiritual psychotherapy. 

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Shadow Work- 40 Days of Chanting Sacred Mantra for 2.5 Hours Ep93

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2021

We have been talking about the importance of shadow work and yesterday I explained what the shadow was and the messengers that this University sends us to become aware of it.

Today, we dive deeper into the two frequencies you need to encompass so the journey you are traveling on doesn’t have to feel like one long night of the soul.

In this episode, I share with you what miracles and benefits I experienced during the last 40 days of getting up at 3:30am every morning and chanting for 2.5 Hours a Sacred Kundalini Mantra. 

I also share with you the specific questions I ask myself in my shadow work when doing the inner work to get to the root cause of challenges and clear any repeating patterns from the subconscious mind.

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Releasing Toxic Patterns of Drama this Pluto Retrograde EP92

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021

Pluto goes retrograde today for six months marking a time of self-confrontation and destroying what is is prohibiting us from the metamorphosis that has been underway since 2008. 

This marks a time of facing ourselves and looking at our shadows. 

And this week on the @sovereignWomanMOvement SHow we are going to be talking about the importance of shadow work and how we can become addicted to risky behavior when we don’t do the inner work of facing ourselves.

In this episode, we look at how this whole world is inverted and how we can stay sovereign by looking at shadow work as sacred work of releasing toxic programs from our subconscious mind. 

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Energy, Shame, and Compassion w@vidad3lizy EP91

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021


So this episode started with a #realtalk conversation with Friday's Co-host @vidad3lizy about energy and how she's been dealing with all the changes in her life and then the conversation took us to the Ancestors, Shame, Relationships, Twin Flames, How to be the #sovereignWoman your lineage needs to be liberated from repeating toxic patterns. 

When I tell you we went deep down the rabbit hole, I am not joking. 

Lizy dropped some serious wisdom that can help us all navigate the healing journey with more sovereignty, check it out. 


Sat Nam 

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How Your Emotions Drain Your Energy EP90

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021


We all have dreams and aspirations, but at many times lack the energy to take action upon them. 

We also sometimes have no energy due to the emotionally draining environments we may be under which causes more and more women to feel completely drained.

In this episode, we talk about how emotions deplete your energy levels, George Floyd the wise grey-haired farmer with an oversize heart, and why we need today more than ever more natural energy and personal sovereignty. 


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Vitality, the secret to ENERGY and Healing on 420 EP89

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2021

"Kundalini Yoga is simply the uncoiling of yourself to find your potential and your vitality and to reach your virtues. There is nothing outside, everything is you. You are the storehouse of your totality." —Yogi Bhajan

Yogi Bhajan thought of vitality as a property of our being; a quality of our spirit. It is not so much something that we acquire or possess, but rather a gift that is always within us which we can accept, nurture, and release. Vitality is expressed in our flow of life and in our intuitive sense that guides us to act with integrity, innocence, and kindness instead of always guarded and depleted. 

This episode was recorded on 4/20 and although it mainly focuses on the importance of vitality in order to even begin the healing journey, I also touch on Cannabis as it goes legal in many states and share my personal experience with Marijuana and what you should know about it's healing and opening of the heart purposes. 

Check it out and leave me a comment...

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