How Ancestral Karma Impacts Your Brain & Mental Health EP 143

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2022


Emotional Trauma physically deteriorates the brain and is often times passed down to us ancestrally in our DNA. 

On this episode of the @SovereignWomanMovement Show we talk about: 

-How ancestral karma impacts your brain and mental health challenges like depression and anxiety 

-How Ancestral Karmic patterns can be disrupted and be healed through repair of the brain 

-How Kundalini Yoga Mantra impacts brain functionality and a meditation to help you do this 

-What to expect astrologically as Eclipse Season rolls  in the Month of October and how this further impacts your brain functionality and ancestral programming 

Check it out, let's disrupt the pattern.


Sat Nam


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How not Rewiring your Ancestral Karma is Blocking Your Success in Business and Prosperity Flow and What to do About it. EP 142

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2022


-Self-Sabotage when leveling up that brings you back to your old programming.

-Not being able to develop systems to really scale your business

-Taking on BIG IDEAS when your medication management is off, when you are drinking, or smoking cannabis  and then quitting before you started

-Being stuck in a dead end corporate job you hate

-Prosperity blockages or earning a lot of money and going constantly back to zero

All things we suffer with as women entrepreneurs and what do we do?

We hire a business coach to give us a new strategy.

We hire a Fitness coach to help us with vitality and discipline.

But we don't hire the help that we actually need, which is someone who is going to help us rewire the ancestral karmic subconscious programming that prevents us from truly succeeding or going to that next level of business. 

Ancestral programming is exactly what is blocking you from leveling up and reaching a level of success in your business and in your prosperity flow...

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Disrupt the Ancestral Pattern of Unworthiness to Align with your Life Purpose, Autumn Equinox Rites of Passage EP 141

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2022

You are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds your atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of yourself.

Your unworthiness is tied to the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you have been programmed with in this lifetime and from your ancestors coping mechanisms, especially as it relates to trauma, and these frequencies make up that electric field.

Most of us can’t align with our dharma or life purpose because somewhere in our electric field we have a program of I’m not worthy, or I have to work hard to make a lot of money, or I have to prostitute my energy and do work I hate to pay the bills.

But Dharma or life purpose is deeper than paying bills.

So how do we get clear on dharma, take action upon it, and disrupt the pattern of unworthiness blocking us from doing this? 

Well that’s what we are talking about today on this Episode of the Sovereign Woman Movement Podcast. 

In this episode...

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Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022
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How to get UNSTUCK when you are LEVELING UP and HEALING EP 140

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2022

True healing is the ability to go beyond your patterns of limited thinking, beyond your emotions, beyond your body and identities or EGO. 

When we don’t go beyond these patterns and do this deep inner healing work, we will always feel like we are struggling in at least one area of our  life, maybe even more and even worse- we will self sabotage our success unconsciously in order to go back to the vibrational frequency we have been programmed with or comfortable with. 

We will also feel stuck not understanding why no amount of effort seems to be working anymore and why we keep repeating patterns in our life of toxic relationships, addictions prosperity blockages, and illness. 

Today on the SWM Podcast we are talking about why we get stuck when we are in times of up leveling and growing in our life, how to create positive lasting changes in our lives, and how to overcome these patterns on the journey of sovereignty. 

Welcome Welcome to another...

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0 Total number of plays My Pilgrimage to Greece & the 2 Biggest Lessons I Learned EP 139

Uncategorized Jul 19, 2022


Traveling to new countries is a massive expansion in consciousness for me in which limiting beliefs and thought patterns are broken. 

Going to the land of the Gods Greece was just this in so many ways. 

In this Episode of the Sovereign Woman Movement Podcast I share with you: 

-the two biggest lessons I learned about sovereignty and the wisdom of our ancestors when traveling to the land of the Gods Greece 

-what you need to know if you are planning to travel to Greece and how to harness the energy in this sacred land for hear healing and self-realization 

Check it out and thanks for sharing and subscribing 

Sat Nam

Click here to download my free Eguide and Weekly Holistic Health Plan for body, mind, and Spirit to break ancestral karmic patterns

Free Training-Click here to sign up for my free Master Class on my 3 Step SWC Method of Breaking Ancestral Karmic Patterns in Your Lineage ...

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Ancestral Karma or Ancestral Curse? EP 138

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2022


One of the most damaging beliefs one can harvest is that energies outside of us like curses are to blame for challenges that are occurring in our life .

And it's not so much that I am denying ancestral curses are real, it's more about realizing that wether it's karma or a curse doesn't matter and that no one is a victim to these patterns  or "curses" in our lineage and DNA?
In this episode of the SWM Podcast I share with you the subtle differences between ancestral karma and ancestral curses, how to break the pattern in either situation, and how to reclaim your sovereignty by doing this in all areas of your life. 

Thank's for commenting your experiences below with ancestral karma and or curses and thanks for liking and sharing. 


Sat Nam


Click here to download my free Eguide and Weekly Holistic Health Plan for body, mind, and Spirit to break ancestral karmic patterns

Free Training-Click here to sign up for...

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Uncategorized Jun 14, 2022

One of the most common questions that I get about my SWC method and the deep inner healing work I teach is-

how do I know if ancestral healing is something I need to do?

Followed with are you chosen for this work or do you choose this work? 

Why do some people break ancestral patterns of addiction, toxic relationships, illness, & plateaus in prosperity, while others don't?

Well the truth is that your ancestors don't choose you.

We are ALL being intuitively guided by our bloodline to break these karmic patterns, but it takes a very courageous #sovereignWoman to answer YES to the call and say, "the pattern ends with me"

And not just because I say so, but because I have the tools to do so at the level of the DNA.

On this episode of the podcast, I share with you why on today's full moon we have a major opportunity to use the...

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How Ancestral Healing Changed my Life in 3 BIG Ways EP 139

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2022

Some people call it ancestral karma, others intergenerational trauma.

These ancestral karmic patterns may specifically look like addiction, depression, abusive relationship patterns, prosperity plateaus and blockages in your life and lineage and no it's not a curse because you have free will to change these patterns.

Whatever you call these patterns does not change the fact that we inherit behavioral patterns and unprocessed trauma from our ancestors and that we absolutely have to change these inherited ancestral patterns at the level of our DNA and subconscious mind in order to truly heal and break these patterns.

Ancestral Karma, or intergenerational trauma, and how it's passed down in our lineages is something that has been studied by science for over 50 years and is a topic that is NOT new to Yogic Science which has understood it for centuries.

If you are not or have never done this type of deep inner work, I recommend you join me on this new episode of the Sovereign...
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How to do The Inner Work this Solar Eclipse in Taurus Kundalini Meditation for Cold Depression EP 135

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2022


Feeling lost can be understood holistically in the body neuroscientifically as it relates to the agility and function of  the brain, spiritually and mentally. 

In this episode of the Sovereign Woman Podcast I share with you what cold depression is and why it makes us feel lost, numb, and highly anxious and also the MEDICINA, a Kundalini Meditation specifically for overcoming Cold Depression and how to use it during this upcoming Solar Eclipse in Taurus. 


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