Mayan Prophecy #:2 What Mother Earth is Experiencing and the Impact it Has on Your Solar Plexus

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2023


We are working through the Mayan Prophecies and in today's episode of the Sovereign Woman Movement Show, I share with you The Second Mayan Prophecy, the mass physical and spiritual changes we are going through, and why our ancestral trauma patterns are more obvious and painful today.  We also go into this week's Astrology, what this has to do with the Second Mayan Prophecy, and this week's Kundalini Meditation to clear your Solar Plexus as we work through clearing each of our chakras to reconnect our brains and heart.  Claim your Sovereignty.


Sat Nam

Joti Radjeep Kaur Veronica Barragan

Founder- The Sovereign Woman Academy Satori Wellness LLC

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