Just got back from a Valentine's Day Trip with the hubbie to Vegas and what a trip it is to be there when you don't drink alcohol.
Ultimately adults are children acting our their childhood programs and Vegas really allows the space and environment for that lol
Without question, the most important astrology event of 2021 is the square between Saturn and Uranus. It lasts the entire year and then some and kicks off Tomorrow the 17th of Feb.
On Feb. 17, we'll experience the first of three epic 2021 square-offs between rule-oriented Saturn and rebellious planet Uranus
This tense square aspect could cause some serious clashes when it comes to balancing old structures with new ways of thinking in society. During this period, we'll likely face some challenges on both personal and collective levels — part of us may want to cling to the past and uphold traditions, while another part of us will feel pushed to shake-up the status quo and look toward the future.
Throughout the year, these cosmic quarrels will challenge us to question our old belief systems and be more progressive — as we'll experience them again in June and December.
With all of this powerful energy of mass change, it is imperative that we learn how to TRUST.
Trust ourselves, life, and others.
In this episode of the @sovereignWomanMovement Show, we are talking about the metaphysics of TRUST. and how to start trusting yourself.
I also give you a better look at this week's energy.
Tomorrow we will look at the 5 step process for developing trust .
Sat Nam
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