How to Connect with GOD, the Divinity Within to Get Clear on Your Soul Purpose Episode 42

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2021

Every day and at every moment, we are making a choice as to what voice to listen to. 

The Voice of Love or the VOice of Fear. 

As we start to control the mind with the inner work, we learn to become aware of what voice we are listening to and are better able to download messages from the divinity within especially as it relates to your life purpose. 

Today we are going to be talking about how to communicate with the divine within, your spirit guides, highest consciousness for intuitive guidance on your life path

Many great scriptures and teachers have reminded us that the purpose of life is to remember the Infinite with every breath.

When the creative mind creates an internal mantric healing sound, coordinated with the breath, on the inhale and exhale, while our internal ears listen to it as it is created, our reality expands beyond action and reaction.

Check out this episode to learn about connecting to GOD and divinity within. 


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