How to Disrupt Your Ancestral Karmic Patterns By Mastering Your Emotions EP 147 SOLAR ECLIPSE IN SCORPIO

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2022

Emotions are the language of our ancestors and if we are not honoring and processing our emotions we are going to end up DEPRESSED after all suppressed emotions = depression .  

Today on this powerful commencement of Eclipse Season and 10/25's Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, let’s talk about the 3 steps to master your emotions so you can break ancestral karmic cycle of Intergenerational Patterns.   

Plus this week:  *Working with the Energy of this Emotional Solar Eclipse in Scorpio happening 10/25 *Kundalini Yoga & Meditation to Disrupt Ancestral Karmic Patterns for this Solar Eclipse  *What training & rewiring your subconscious Mind, healing your brain, and nervous system have to do mastering your emotions and being Emotionally intelligent #sovereignWoman    



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