How not Rewiring your Ancestral Karma is Blocking Your Success in Business and Prosperity Flow and What to do About it. EP 142

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2022


-Self-Sabotage when leveling up that brings you back to your old programming.

-Not being able to develop systems to really scale your business

-Taking on BIG IDEAS when your medication management is off, when you are drinking, or smoking cannabis  and then quitting before you started

-Being stuck in a dead end corporate job you hate

-Prosperity blockages or earning a lot of money and going constantly back to zero

All things we suffer with as women entrepreneurs and what do we do?

We hire a business coach to give us a new strategy.

We hire a Fitness coach to help us with vitality and discipline.

But we don't hire the help that we actually need, which is someone who is going to help us rewire the ancestral karmic subconscious programming that prevents us from truly succeeding or going to that next level of business. 

Ancestral programming is exactly what is blocking you from leveling up and reaching a level of success in your business and in your prosperity flow that you can’t even imagine yet .

So on this Episode of the Sovereign Woman Movement Podcast,  we are talking about the specific process we need to follow in order to disrupt the pattern of not being successful in business passed down to us in our DNA. 

I also share with you this week's Astrological forecast as well as the daily Kundalini Mantra I chant for prosperity and to rewire subconscious programming around lack mentality so listen until the end. 

Let's disrupt the pattern. 


Sat Nam 


Click here to download my free Eguide and Weekly Holistic Health Plan for body, mind, and Spirit to break ancestral karmic patterns

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