How Ancestral Healing Changed my Life in 3 BIG Ways EP 139

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2022

Some people call it ancestral karma, others intergenerational trauma.

These ancestral karmic patterns may specifically look like addiction, depression, abusive relationship patterns, prosperity plateaus and blockages in your life and lineage and no it's not a curse because you have free will to change these patterns.

Whatever you call these patterns does not change the fact that we inherit behavioral patterns and unprocessed trauma from our ancestors and that we absolutely have to change these inherited ancestral patterns at the level of our DNA and subconscious mind in order to truly heal and break these patterns.

Ancestral Karma, or intergenerational trauma, and how it's passed down in our lineages is something that has been studied by science for over 50 years and is a topic that is NOT new to Yogic Science which has understood it for centuries.

If you are not or have never done this type of deep inner work, I recommend you join me on this new episode of the Sovereign Woman podcast with an open heart as I take you on a journey of how ancestral healing changed my life and why I now devote my entire life and work to helping women break these ancestral karmic patterns as well.

Click here: Episode 139-How Ancestral Healing Changed my Life

In this episode I specifically share with you the top 3 ways these patterns were showing up in my life and what my life looks like now that these patterns have been healed and rewired.

It’s time for conscious entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders to heal so they can step up and serve, uncoil their kundalini Potential, and receive at their highest level.
When conscious spiritual women heal themselves, seven generations before and after them are healed.

You don't have to continue to fake a happy marriage, healthy life and healthy mind.

There has never been a time such as this where we have access to tools that our ancestors never had access to to heal at our deepest levels.
There has never been a time such as this where we have access to the tools once kept secret to us, to heal, stand up and reclaim our sovereignty in ALL areas of our life.

It’s our duty to take the opportunity that is literally at our fingertips and use it to for true transformation.

Transformational ancestral healing is being sought after...will you be present and say yes to the call of your Soul and your ancestors?
Your ancestors are waiting for you to bring the shadows to the light and heal yourself, so that you can liberate so many in your lineage from toxic patterns of abuse, lack, illness, and not being aligned with dharma.

Check out this new episode and let me know what your thoughts are on ancestral karma.

if you are new to the podcast and our community, Welcome to the Sovereign Woman Movement where we believe all women can break patterns of ancestral karma in their lineage with my SWC method of Kundalini Yoga Therapy and ACIM Spiritual Psychotherapy so they can reclaim their sovereignty in all areas of their lives.

Welcome to OUR
 movement of reclaiming our sovereignty back.

Sat Nam,

Joti Radjeep Kaur
Veronica Barragan
Founder: Sovereign Woman Academy
@Satori Wellness LLC

Click here to download my free Eguide and Weekly Holistic Health Plan for body, mind, and Spirit in order to break ancestral karmic patterns

Free Training-Click here to sign up for my free Master Class on my 3 Step SWC Method of Breaking Ancestral Karmic Patterns in Your Lineage

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