Ancestral Karma or Ancestral Curse? EP 138

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2022


One of the most damaging beliefs one can harvest is that energies outside of us like curses are to blame for challenges that are occurring in our life .

And it's not so much that I am denying ancestral curses are real, it's more about realizing that wether it's karma or a curse doesn't matter and that no one is a victim to these patterns  or "curses" in our lineage and DNA?
In this episode of the SWM Podcast I share with you the subtle differences between ancestral karma and ancestral curses, how to break the pattern in either situation, and how to reclaim your sovereignty by doing this in all areas of your life. 

Thank's for commenting your experiences below with ancestral karma and or curses and thanks for liking and sharing. 


Sat Nam


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